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Materials and Sensor R&D to Transform the Nuclear Stockpile Livermore?s Transformational Materials Initiative. |
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NOx Sensor Development |
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Probabilistic Characterization of Adversary Behavior in Cyber Security |
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Taxonomies of Cyber Adversaries and Attacks A Survey of Incidents and Approaches. |
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High Energy Laser for Space Debris Removal |
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Insensitive Munitions/Surety Joint Munitions Program Five Year Plan for FY10-14 |
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WinMagic Encryption Software Installation and Configuration |
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NDA BATCH 2009-7 |
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Dawn Usage, Scheduling, and Governance Model |
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SAVANT Status Report |
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Draft SOP for Sample Matching using ICP-MS |
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Report on Ultra-high Resolution Gamma- / X-ray Analysis of Uranium Skull Oxide |
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Bacterial Population Genetics in a Forensic Context |
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FY09 Final Report for LDRD Project Understanding Viral Quasispecies Evolution through Computation and Experiment. |
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Simulation of Seismic Waves from Underground Explosions in Geologic Media FY2009 Progress Report. |
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Aging Studies of Filled and Unfilled VCE |
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The development of the time dependence of the nuclear EMP electric field |
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Technical Review Report for the Justification for 9975 Gram Based Content Envelopes, C.10 and C.11 |
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FY07 LDRD Final Report Precision, Split Beam, Chirped-Pulse, Seed Laser Technology |
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