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Investigation of the Microstructure of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Films Used in High-Efficiency Devices Preprint. |
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Formation and Characterization of CdSxTe1-x Alloys Prepared from Thin Film Couples of CdS and CdTe Preprint. |
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PVMaT Advances in the Photovoltaic Industry and the Focus of Future PV Manufacturing R&D Preprint. |
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Identifying Critical Pathways to High-Performance PV Preprint. |
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Spectroscopic Cathodoluminescence Studies of the ZnTe Cu Contact Process for CdS/CdTe Solar Cells Preprint. |
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New Thin Film CuGaSe2/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Bifacial, Tandem Solar Cell with Both Junctions Formed Simultaneously |
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APIVT-Grown Silicon Thin Layers and PV Devices Preprint. |
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Float-Zone and Czochralski Crystal Growth and Diagnostic Solar Cell Evaluation of a New Solar-Grade Feedstock Source Preprint. |
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Solar-Grade Silicon from Metallurgical-Grade Silicon Via Iodine Chemical Vapor Transport Purification Preprint. |
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Comparison of Energy Production and Performance from Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Module Technologies Deployed at Fixed Tilt Preprint. |
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Degradation Analysis of Weathered Crystalline-Silicon PV Modules Preprint. |
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New Barrier Coating Materials for PV Module Backsheets Preprint. |
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Wide-Gap Thin Film Si n-i-p Solar Cells Deposited by Hot-Wire CVD Preprint. |
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Properties of Cd and Zn Partial Electrolyte Treated CIGS Solar Cells Preprint. |
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Status of the IEEE P1547 Draft Interconnection Standard and Distributed Energy Resources R&D Preprint. |
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Optical Design and Analysis of Textured a-Si Solar Cells Preprint. |
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DOE/NREL Fundamental and Exploratory Research into Solar Cells Preprint. |
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1-MeV-Electron Irradiation of GaInAsN Cells Preprint. |
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Polycrystalline Thin Film Photovoltaics Research, Development, and Technologies Preprint. |
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Analysis of the GaInP/GaAs/1-eV/Ge Cell and Related Structures for Terrestrial Concentrator Application Preprint. |
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