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Unsteady Aerodynamics Experiment Phase VI Wind Tunnel Test Configurations and Available Data Campaigns. |
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Field Verification Program for Small Wind Turbines, Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter, Issue No.2, July-September 2000. |
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Wind Power Plant Monitoring Project Annual Report |
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Dynamic Characterization Testing of Wind Turbines |
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Field Verification Program for Small Wind Turbines Quarterly Report for October-December 2000; 4th Quarter, Iss. No.3. |
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Avian Hearing and the Avoidance of Wind Turbines |
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Field Verification Program for Small Wind Turbines Quarterly Report for January-March 2001; 1st Quarter, Issue No.4. |
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Field Verification Project for Small Wind Turbines, Quarterly Report April - June 2001; 2nd Quarter, Issue No.5. |
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Preliminary Structural Design of Composite Blades for Two- and Three-Blade Rotors |
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Wind Turbine Generator System Safety and Function Test Report for the Southwest Windpower H40 Wind Turbine |
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Wales, Alaska High Penetration Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power System Theory of Operation. |
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Effects of Net Metering on the Use of Small-Scale Wind Systems in the United States |
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Field Verification Project for Small Wind Turbines Quarterly Report; July-September 2001, 3rd Quarter, Issue#6 |
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Wind Energy Resource Atlas of Southeast China |
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Controls Advanced Research Turbine (CART) Commissioning and Baseline Data Collection |
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Integration of Xantrex HY-100 Hybrid Inverter with an AC Induction Wind Turbine |
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Field Verification Project for Small Wind Turbines, Quarterly Report, October-December 2001, 4th Quarter, Issue No.7 |
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Wind Energy Resource Atlas of Armenia |
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Optimized Hydrogen and Electricity Generation from Wind |
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Extrapolation of Extreme and Fatigue Loads Using Probabilistic Methods |
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