Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
E 1.99:nureg/cr-0497 |
MATPRO-Version 11 a handbook of materials properties for use in the analysis of light water reactor fuel rod behavior. ANS54 a computer subroutine for predicting fission gas release. |
2 |
E 1.99:nureg/cr-0530 | Solubility classification of airborne products from uranium ores and tailings piles. [Solubility parameters are based on airborne and seived ground dust samples] | 1 |
E 1.99:nureg/cr-0551 | LWR pressure vessel irradiation surveillance dosimetry. Quarterly progress report, July--September 1978 | 1 |
E 1.99:nureg/cr-0560 | Data report for the NRC/PNL Halden Assembly IFA-432. | 1 |
E 1.99: nureg/cr-0570 | Technology, Safety and Costs of Decommissioning a Reference Low-Level Waste Burial Ground Environmental Surveillance Programs | 1 |
E 1.99: nureg/cr--0570-vol.1 | Technology, Safety and Costs of Decommissioning a Reference Low-Level Waste Burial Ground. Main Report | 1 |
E 1.99: nureg/ | Technology, Safety and Costs of Decommissioning a Reference Low-Level Waste Burial Ground. Appendices | 1 |
E 1.99:nureg/cr-0588 | Analysis of fuel relocation for the NRC/PNL Halden assemblies IFA-431, IFA-432, and IFA-513 | 1 |
E 1.99:nureg/cr--0598 | On-site inspection procedures for SNM doorway monitors | 1 |
E 1.99:nureg/cr-0601 | Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (ISFSI). Annual report, FY 1978 | 1 |
E 1.99:nureg/cr-0602 | Active nondestructive assay of nuclear materials principles and applications. | 1 |
E 1.99:nureg/cr-0603 | Risk assessment of a pressurized water reactor for Class 3-8 accidents | 1 |
E 1.99:nureg/cr--0608 | Size distribution of drops from containment spray nozzles. [PWR] | 1 |
E 1.99:nureg/cr-0616 | Network modeling and analysis technique for the evaluation of nuclear safeguards systems effectiveness | 1 |
E 1.99:nureg/cr-0624 | Physical protection of nuclear facilities. Quarterly progress report, July--September 1978. [PWR; BWR] | 1 |
E 1.99:nureg/cr-0627 | Radon-222 emissions in ventilation air exhausted from underground uranium mines | 1 |
E 1.99:nureg/cr-0628 | Prediction of the net radon emission from a model open pit uranium mine | 1 |
E 1.99:nureg/cr-0628(rev.) | Prediction of the net radon emission from a model open pit uranium mine | 1 |
E 1.99:nureg/cr-0629 | Field and modeling study of windblown particles from a uranium mill tailings pile. Interim report | 1 |