E 1.99:nureg/cr-3562
Steam generator tube integrity program leak rate tests. Progress report |
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E 1.99:nureg/cr-3567
TRAC-PF1 an advanced best-estimate computer program for pressurized water reactor analysis. |
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E 1.99:nureg/cr-3568
Handbook for value-impact assessment |
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E 1.99: nureg/cr-3573
Personnel Exposure from Right Cylindrical Sources (PERCS) Personnel Exposure from Right Cylindrical Sources {PERCS) The Theory, the Code,and Examples |
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E 1.99:nureg/cr-3577
Measurement of countercurrent phase separation and distribution in a two-dimensional test section |
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E 1.99:nureg/cr-3578
Steam generator group project progress report. Task 3, health physics |
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E 1.99:nureg/cr-3579
Steam Generator Group Project. Progress report on data acquisition/statistical analysis |
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E 1.99:nureg/cr-3580
Steam Generator Group Project. Semiannual progress report, July-December 1982 |
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E 1.99:nureg/cr-3581
Steam Generator Group Project. Annual report, 1982 |
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E 1.99:nureg/cr-3587
Identification and evaluation of facilitation techniques for decommissioning light water power reactors |
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E 1.99:NUREG/CR-3593-Vol.1
Systems interaction results from the digraph matrix analysis of the Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant high pressure safety injection systems. Volume 1 |
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E 1.99:NUREG/CR-3593-Vol.2
Systems interaction results from the digraph matrix analysis of the Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant high pressure safety injection systems. Volume 2 |
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E 1.99:nureg/cr-3601
Management and organizational assessments a review of selected organizations. |
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E 1.99:NUREG/CR-3603
MINET validation study using EBR-II test data |
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E 1.99:nureg/cr-3604
Bolting applications |
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E 1.99:nureg/cr-3607
Radionuclide distributions and migration mechanisms at shallow land burial sites. 1982 annual report of research investigations on the distribution, migration and containment of radionuclides at Maxey Flats, Kentucky |
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E 1.99:nureg/cr-3608
RELAP5 assessment LOFT large break L2-5. |
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E 1.99:nureg/cr-3609
Evaluation of neutron dosimetry techniques for well-logging operations |
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E 1.99:nureg/cr-3615
Hydrodynamics of two phase flow through homogeneous and stratified porous layers |
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E 1.99:nureg/cr-3616
Transport and screen blockage characteristics of reflective metallic insulation materials |
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