E 1.99:ornl/sub/97-sx754v
Feasibility of High Frequency Acoustic Imaging for Inspection of Containments |
1 |
E 1.99:ORNL/Sub/97-SY009/1
Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Fe₃Al-Based Alloy Tubes Application Specific Development for the Power Generation Industry. |
1 |
E 1.99:ornl/sub/97-sy009/02
Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Fe3Al-Based Alloy Tubes Application Specific Development for the Power Generation Industry. |
1 |
E 1.99:ornl/sub/97-sy009/2
Oxide-Dispersion-Strengthened Fe3Al-Based Alloy Tubes Application-Specific Development for the Power Generation Industry. |
1 |
E 1.99:ornl/sub/98-85b99398v-1
Results of Parametric Design Studies of MOX Lead Test Assembly |
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E 1.99:ORNL/SUB/98-85B99398V-2
Results of Parametric Design Studies of VVER-1000 Core with MOX Lead Test Assemblies |
1 |
E 1.99:ORNL/SUB/98-85B99398V-3
Verification Calculation Results to Validate the Procedures and Codes for Pin-by-Pin Power Computation in VVER Type Reactors with MOX Fuel Loading |
1 |
E 1.99:ornl/sub/98-st547/05
Evaluation of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Fracture Behavior of Iron Aluminides |
1 |
E 1.99:ornl/sub/98-su604/02
Development of a Commercial Process for the Production of Silicon Carbide Fibrils - Draft Phase II Final Report |
1 |
E 1.99:ornl/sub/98-sy382/02
Reduction in Defect Content in ODS Alloys |
1 |
E 1.99:ornl/sub/98-sy382/03
Reduction in Defect Content of ODS Alloys |
1 |
E 1.99:ORNL/SUB/98-SZ272V
Feasibility of Magnetostrictive Sensor Inspection of Containments |
1 |
E 1.99:ornl/sub/98-xs382-04
Reduction in Defect Content of ODS Alloys |
1 |
E 1.99:ornl/sub/99-4500007253/1
Genetic Modification of Short Rotation Poplar Biomass Feedstock for Efficient Conversion to Ethanol |
2 |
E 1.99:ORNL/SUB/99-19XSY062V-1
Studies of Flexible MOX/LEU Fuel Cycles |
1 |
E 1.99:ornl/sub/99-19xsy063v-3
Evaluation of mixed MOX-LEU loading patterns for LWRs originating from inability to deliver MOX assemblies GE BWR/6 reload core study. |
1 |
E 1.99:ornl/sub/99-b99398v-1
Creation of Computational Benchmarks for LEU and MOX Fuel Assemblies Under Accident Conditions |
1 |
E 1.99:ornl/sub/99-b99398v-2
Kinetics Parameters of VVER-1000 Core with 3 MOX Lead Test Assemblies To Be Used for Accident Analysis Codes |
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E 1.99:ornl/sub/99-b99398v-3
Design Studies of ''Island'' Type MOX Lead Test Assembly |
1 |
E 1.99:ornl/sub/99-b99398v-4
Design Studies of ̀̀100% Pu'' Mox Lead Test Assembly |
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