Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10887 Geology of the west Bear Creek site 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10901 A classification scheme for LWR fuel assemblies 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10902 Physical characteristics of GE (General Electric) BWR (boiling-water reactor) fuel assemblies 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10903 Theoretical studies of hadronic calorimetry for high luminosity, high energy colliders 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10904 Sources of compensation in hadronic calorimeters 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10906 Development of immobilization technology for Hanford Double-Shell Slurry Feed waste 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10907 Review of oxidation of Nb-1Zr 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10912 Process monitoring in international safeguards for reprocessing plants A demonstration. 1
E 1.99:ORNL/TM-10914 Managing global climate change through international cooperation : lessons from prior resource management efforts / 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10916 Robust control technique for nuclear power plants 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10932 Organic geochemistry Effects of organic components of shales on adsorption Progress report. 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10933 Effects of experimental parameters on the sorption of cesium, strontium, and uranium from saline groundwaters onto shales Progress report. 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10939/v1 Data package for the Low-Level Waste Disposal Development and Demonstration Program environmental impact statement Volume 1, Sections 1--7 and Appendices A--D. 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10939/v2 Data package for the Low-Level Waste Disposal Development and Demonstration Program environmental impact statement Volume 2, Appendices E-O. 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10940 Assessment of thermal analysis software for the DOE Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10944 Geochemical controls on shale groundwaters Results of reaction path modeling. 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10947 Nonlinear dynamics of single-helicity neoclassical MHD tearing instabilities 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10949 Advanced Neutron Source (ANS) regulatory requirements and safety-related considerations August 1988 Draft. 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-10951 Transition from resistive ballooning to neoclassical magnetohydrodynamic pressure-gradient-driven instability 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm--10954 Prospects for and tests of hadron calorimetry with silicon 1