E 1.99:ornl/tm-10815
Results from the second year of operation of the federal methanol fleet at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10816
Results from the first year of operation of the Federal Methanol Fleet at Argonne National Laboratory |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10817
Maintenance accountability, jobs, and inventory control (MAJIC) program |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10818
Opportunities for integrating deliberate and time-sensitive joint depolyment planning in USTRANSCOM component commands |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10820
The SRWCP database management system Users guide, data definitions, and source code. |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10823
T sub E Xnical typesetting A guide through the TEX typesetting program. |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10824
Preliminary ANS (Advanced Neutron Source) reactor cold source gain factor calculations for liquid deuterium and liquid nitrogen-15 |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10833
Design considerations for single-stage and two-stage pneumatic pellet injectors |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10835
GRESS (Gradient Enhanced Software System) Version 0. 0 user's manual |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10841
/sup 58/Ni + n transmission, differential elastic scattering and capture measurements and analysis from 5 to 813 keV |
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E 1.99:ORNL/TM--10846/R2
Technical Support Section Instrument Support Program for nuclear and nonnuclear facilities with safety requirements |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10846/r2
Technical Support Section Instrument Support Program for Nuclear and Nonnuclear Facilities with Safety Requirements |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10851
Monte Carlo simulation of indirect damage to biomolecules irradiated in aqueous solution The radiolysis of glycylglycine. |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10860
Advanced Neutron Source (ANS) Project Annual report, April 1987--March 1988. |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10864
Design guidelines for remotely maintained equipment |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10867
Triple ion beam irradiation facility |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10872
Interior viewing of complex vacuum vessels |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10874
An examination of electronic file transfer between host and microcomputers for the AMPMODNET/AIMNET (Army Material Plan Modernization Network/Acquisition Information Management Network) classified network environment |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10879
Comments by a peer review panel on the computerized radiological risk investigation system (CRRIS) |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-10884
Chemical vapor deposition in the silicon-carbon and boron-carbon-nitrogen systems |
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