E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/102
Power Transfer Potential to the Southeast in Response to a Renewable Portfolio Standard Interim Report 2. |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/104
Making Homes Part of the Climate Solution Policy Options To Promote Energy Efficiency. |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/110
Profile of World Uranium Enrichment Programs-2009 |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/111
Real-Time Traffic Information for Emergency Evacuation Operations Phase A Final Report. |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/117
Understanding Lustre Internals |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/119
Independent Validation and Verification of Process Design and Optimization Technology Diagnostic and Control of Natural Gas Fired Furnaces via Flame Image Analysis Technology |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/127
Section 106 Recordation, Interpretation, and Documentation for the Demolition of Buildings 3008, 3012, 3044, 3503, 3504, 3508, and 3592 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/133
Probabilistic Mechanical Reliability Prediction of Thermoelectric Legs |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/137
A Review of Materials for Gas Turbines Firing Syngas Fuels |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/138
Summary of Prior Work on Joining of Oxide Dispersion-Strengthened Alloys |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/145
Open Standards for Sensor Information Processing |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/146
Quality Assurance Protocol for AFCI Advanced Structural Materials Testing |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/148
Benchmark Gamma Spectroscopy Measurements of Uranium Hexafluoride in Aluminmum Pipe with a Sodium Iodide Detector |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/149
Transportation Energy Data Book Edition 28. |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm--2009/152
Low Temperature Irradiation Embrittlement of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/168
Dissolver Off-gas Hot Operations Authorization (AFCI CETE Milestone Report) |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/169
UDS Recovery Equipment Installation (AFCI CETE Milestone Report) |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/173
2008 Annual Report Transportation Technology Program |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm--2009/176
A Review of Graphite Irradiation Creep Data from the "OC-Series" of Experiments |
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E 1.99:ornl/tm-2009/181
An Account of Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Thirteen Research Reactors |
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