Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:ornl/tm--5161 Calculated nucleon spectra at several angles from 192-, 500-, 700-, and 900- MeV carbon-12 on iron-56 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm--5162 Calculated response of a liquid-scintillator total-absorption hadron calorimeter 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-5165 Measurements of energy losses, distributions of energy loss and additivity of energy losses for 50 to 150 keV protons in hydrogen and nine hydrocarbon gases. [Dependence on carbon bonding] 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-5166 Advances in the sample preparation and the detector for a combined solvent extraction-liquid scintillation method of low-level plutonium measurement 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-5171 Evaluation of options relative to the fixation and disposal of /sup 14/C-contaminated CO/sub 2/ as CaCO/sub 3/ 1
E 1.99:ornl-tm--5174 Inversion of single-particle levels in nuclear Hartree-Fock and Brueckner- HF calculations with broken symmetry 1
E 1.99:ornl-tm--5178 Monthly highlights for Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1
E 1.99:ornl-tm--5183 Absolute neutron spectrum emerging through the large beam collimator from the TSR-II reactor at the Tower Shielding Facility 1
E 1.99:ornl-tm--5184 Letter report for the superconducting magnet development program (Number 4). Progress report, June 1, 1975--September 1, 1975 1
E 1.99:ornl-tm--5187 Survey of radiation damage effects in superconducting magnet components and systems 1
E 1.99:ornl-tm--5188 Inelastic interactions of swift electrons in solids 1
E 1.99:ornl-tm--5194 Deposition profiles from electron-beam-heated evaporation sources 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm--5195 Direct brazing of ceramics, graphite, and refractory metals 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm--5196 Procurement of type 316 stainless steel reference heat for LMFBR Research and Development Programs 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm--5198 Uncertainties in calculated heating and radiation damage in the toroidal field coil of a tokamak experimental power reactor due to neutron cross-section errors 1
E 1.99:ornl-tm-5199 FBSAM data transmission package for IBM 360/370 computers. [For rapid movement of large blocks of data directly between user storage arrays and magnetic disk data sets, in FORTRAN IV and assembly language] 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-5201 Oak Ridge fog and drift code (ORFAD) user's manual 1
E 1.99:ornl-tm--5203 SB2. Experiment on secondary gamma-ray production cross sections arising from thermal-neutron capture in each of 14 different elements plus a stainless steel 1
E 1.99:ornl-tm--5204 SB3. Experiment on secondary gamma-ray production cross sections averaged over a fast-neutron spectrum for each of 13 different elements plus a stainless steel 1
E 1.99:ornl-tm--5205 Monthly progress report for November 1975 for the HTGR safety studies for the Division of Technical Review, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1