Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6461 GCFR 1/15-scale PCRV steam generator cavity closure half-thickness model test 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6462 Conversion between cold plasma modes in an inhomogeneous plasma 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6465 Corrosion of several alloys in superheated steam at 482 and 538/sup 0/C 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6466 Detection of hydrogen buildup in initially pure nonhydrogenous liquids 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6467 Procedure for estimating nonfuel operation and maintenance costs for large steam-electric power plants 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6470 Hartsville data and analysis book Phase I. 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6473 Infiltration control for low-level radioactive solid waste disposal areas an assessment. 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6477 User's guide to the CALVEC software library a computer program for emulation of CALCOMP graphics on a Versatec printer/plotter. 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6477/r1 User's guide to the CALVEC software library a computer program for emulation of CALCOMP graphics on a versatec printer/plotter. 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6479 Evaluation of the effectiveness of selected corrosion inhibitors for protection of prestressing steels in PCPVs 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6483 Practical consideration of nuclear fuel spiking for proliferation deterrence 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6485 Mass and emission spectrometry in the Analytical Chemistry Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6486 Neutron-photon multigroup cross sections for neutron energies <60 MeV 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6487 Design calculations for a 14-MeV neutron collimator 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6488 Graphical determination of the radionuclide inventory in the concentrate and tailings from processing facilities. [/sup 232/Th, /sup 238/U, and /sup 235/U decay series members] 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6491 Density, actidity, and conductivity measurements of uranyl nitrate/nitric acid solutions 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm--6492 Alpha-driven, steady-state tokamak 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6495 Comparison of the COMRADEX-IV and AIRDOS-EPA methodologies for estimating the radiation dose to man from radionuclide releases to the atmosphere 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6496 Hydrogen pellet fueling experiment on the ISX-A tokamak 1
E 1.99:ornl/tm-6500 NCMART algorithms and computer codes for a modified algebraic spatial reconstruction of spectroscopic emissivities for ELMO Bumpy Torus. 1