Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:pnl-7563-hedr FY 1991 project plan for the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project, Phase 2 1
E 1.99:pnl-7563-hedr-rev.1 FY 1991 Task plans for the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project 1
E 1.99:pnl-7566 Accuracy and cost effectiveness of manual and automated water-level monitoring technology 1
E 1.99:pnl-7572 Single-shell tank constituent rankings for use in preparing waste characterization plans 1
E 1.99:pnl-7573-vol.2 Preliminary recommendations on the design of the characterization program for the Hanford Site single-shell tanks A system analysis. 1
E 1.99:pnl--7573-vol.2 Preliminary recommendations on the design of the characterization program for the Hanford Site single-shell tanks A system analysis. Volume 2, Closure-related analyte priorities, concentration thresholds, and detection limit goals based on public health concerns. 1
E 1.99:pnl-7576 Review of the thermal energy standards for manufactured housing proposed by the Manufactured Housing Institute Consensus Committee 1
E 1.99:pnl-7580 Thermal sensitivity of the commercial sector 1
E 1.99:pnl--7581 SUMO, System performance assessment for a high-level nuclear waste repository Mathematical models. 1
E 1.99:pnl-7583 Comparative simulations of a two-layer landfill barrier using the HELP Version 2. 0 and UNSAT-H Version 2. 0 computer codes 1
E 1.99:pnl-7584 Interim reclamation report, Basalt Waste Isolation Project Near Surface Test Facility 1990 1
E 1.99:pnl-7585 Reclamation report, Basalt Waste Isolation Project, boreholes 1990 1
E 1.99:pnl-7589 Final report on the characterization of the film on inert anodes 1
E 1.99:pnl-7590-vol.1 End-Use Load and Consumer Assessment Program Characterizing residential thermal performance from high resolution end-use data. 1
E 1.99:pnl-7590-vol.2 End-Use Load and Consumer Assessment Program Characterizing residential thermal performance from high resolution end-use data. 1
E 1.99:pnl-7591 Preliminary assessment of the controlled release of radionuclides from waste packages containing borosilicate waste glass 1
E 1.99:pnl-7592 Interactions between fuel choice and energy-efficiency in new homes in the Pacific Northwest 1
E 1.99: pnl--7594 Auxiliary feedwater system risk-based inspection guide for the Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 1
E 1.99:pnl-7595 Chemical and physical processes in Tank 241-SY-101 A preliminary report. 1
E 1.99:pnl-7598 Minutes of the Tank Waste Science Panel meeting, July 20, 1990 1