E 1.99:pnnl-18048
Filtration and Leach Testing for PUREX Cladding Sludge and REDOX Cladding Sludge Actual Waste Sample Composites |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18054
Characterization and Leach Testing for PUREX Cladding Waste Sludge (Group 3) and REDOX Cladding Waste Sludge (Group 4) Actual Waste Sample Composites |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18055
Technetium Waste Form Development - Progress Report |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18060
EMSL Quarterly Highlights Report 4th Quarter, FY08. |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18072
EMSL Contribution Plan |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18076
Performance of T12 and T8 Fluorescent Lamps and Troffers and LED Linear Replacement Lamps CALiPER Benchmark Report |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18081
Total Dissolved Gas Effects on Incubating Chum Salmon Below Bonneville Dam |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18083 final
T Tank Farm Interim Surface Barrier Demonstration - Vadose Zone Monitoring FY08 Report |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18090
Development and Demonstration of Ultrafiltration Simulants |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18098
Pulse Jet Mixing Tests With Noncohesive Solids |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18098 rev. 1
Pulse Jet Mixing Tests With Noncohesive Solids |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18099
AFCI Safeguards Enhancement Study Technology Development Roadmap. |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18100
Spatial Analysis of Contaminants in 200 West Area Groundwater in Support of the 200-ZP-1 Operable Unit Pre-Conceptual Remedy Design |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18111
Load Reduction, Demand Response and Energy Efficient Technologies and Strategies |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18113
Survival of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Passing the Bonneville Dam Spillway in 2007 |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18114
Remediation of Deep Vadose Zone Radionuclide and Metal Contamination Status and Issues. |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18115
Country Report on Building Energy Codes in Canada |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18117
Characterization of Filtration Scale-Up Performance |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18118
Revised Geostatistical Analysis of the Inventory of Carbon Tetrachloride in the Unconfined Aquifer in the 200 West Area of the Hanford Site |
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E 1.99:pnnl-18119
Characterization, Leaching, and Filtration Testing for Tributyl Phosphate (TBP, Group 7) Actual Waste Sample Composites |
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