Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:pppl-1585 Effect of finite beta on drift wave turbulence and particle confinement 1
E 1.99:pppl-1586 Transient getter scheme for the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor 1
E 1.99:pppl-1587 WKB theory for high-n modes in axisymmetric toroidal plasmas 1
E 1.99:pppl-1588 Fast wave heating in the Princeton Large Torus 1
E 1.99:pppl-1589 Regimes of operation in the Princeton Large Torus 1
E 1.99:pppl-1590 Digital computer simulation method for complex converter systems 1
E 1.99:pppl-1591 Observed magnetic dipole transitions in the ground terms of Ti XIV, Ti XV, and Ti XVII 1
E 1.99:pppl-1592 Techniques for measuring the alpha-particle distribution in magnetically confined plasmas 1
E 1.99:pppl-1593 Plasma heating by externally launched ion Bernstein waves 1
E 1.99:pppl-1594 Millimeter radiometer techniques for plasma temperature diagnostics 1
E 1.99:pppl-1595 Broadband superheterodyne tracing circuits for millimeter-wave measurements 1
E 1.99:pppl-1596 Separating variables in two-way diffusion equations 1
E 1.99:pppl-1597 Magnetic driving energy of the tearing mode 1
E 1.99:pppl-1598 US tokamak research 1
E 1.99:pppl-1599 Ion temperature drift instabilities in a sheared magnetic field 1
E 1.99:pppl-1600 Fluctuations and transport in an inhomogeneous plasma 1
E 1.99:pppl-1601 Ion-temperature-gradient instability in toroidal plasmas 1
E 1.99:pppl-1602 Parametric decay into ion cyclotron waves and drift waves in multi-ion-species plasma 1
E 1.99:pppl-1603 Incoherent noise and self-consistency in stochastically unstable plasmas 1
E 1.99:pppl-1604 Transport code studies of INTOR at PPPL 1