E 1.99:pppl-4314
Electron Bernstein Wave Emission and Mode Conversion Physics on NSTX |
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E 1.99:pppl-4315
Error Field Correction in ITER |
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E 1.99:pppl-4316
Field Line Resonance at Mercury's Magnetosphere A Simulation Study. |
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E 1.99:pppl--4317
Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics Stability Spectrum with a Resistive Wall |
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E 1.99:pppl-4318
Anisotropic Pressure, Transport, and Shielding of Magnetic Perturbations |
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E 1.99:pppl-4319
Mass changes in NSTX Surface Layers with Li Conditioning as Measured by Quartz Microbalances |
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E 1.99:pppl-4320
Electrostatic Dust Detector with Improved Sensitivity |
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E 1.99:pppl-4321
Mode Conversion of Langmuir to Electromagnetic Waves with Parallel Inhomogeneity in the Solar Wind and the Corona |
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E 1.99:pppl-4323
Field-Reversed Configuration Formation Scheme Utilizing a Spheromak and Solenoid Induction |
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E 1.99:pppl-4324
Predictive Simulations of ITER Including Neutral Beam Driven Toroidal Rotation |
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E 1.99:pppl-4325
Magnetic Diagnostics for the Lithium Tokamak eXperiment |
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E 1.99:pppl-4326
The M3D-C1 Approach to Simulating 3D 2-fluid Magnetohydrodynamics in Magnetic Fusion Experiments |
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E 1.99:pppl-4327
Momentum Transport Studies in High E x B Shear Plasmas in NSTX |
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E 1.99:pppl-4328
Identification of the Electron Diffusion Region during Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma |
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E 1.99:pppl-4329
Experimental Study of the Hall Effect and Electron Diffusion Region During Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma |
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E 1.99:pppl-4330
Improvement in Plasma Performance with Lithium Coatings in NSTX |
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E 1.99:pppl-4331
Simulations of NSTX with a Liquid Lithium Divertor Module |
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E 1.99:pppl-4332
Assessment Of An Oblique ECE Diagnostic For ITER |
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E 1.99:pppl-4333
Thomson Scattering Density Calibration by Rayleigh and Rotational Raman Scattering on NSTX |
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E 1.99:pppl-4334
New Insights into Dissipation in the Electron Layer During Magnetic Reconnection |
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