E 1.99:rfp--2301
Timer modules for radiation detection systems |
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E 1.99:rfp--2303
Power supply module |
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E 1.99:rfp--2304
Single channel pulse-height analyzer with readout |
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E 1.99:rfp--2328
Operating parameters and limitations of a germanium--lithium drifted detector system for the in vivo measurement of americium-241 |
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E 1.99:rfp--2340
Prototype hydriding apparatus (application for plutonium recovery) |
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E 1.99:rfp--2347
Cation exchange process for molten salt extraction residues |
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E 1.99:rfp--2351
Corrosion-induced acoustic emissions from uranium 4.5--weight percent niobium binary alloy |
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E 1.99:rfp--2354
Radiation effects on ion-exchange resins. Part II. Gamma irradiation of Dowex 1 |
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E 1.99:rfp--2358
Quantitative respirator man-testing and anthropometric survey |
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E 1.99:rfp-2363
Consideration of the effect of lymph-node deposition upon the measurement of plutonium and americum in the lungs. [²⁴¹Pu and ²⁴¹Am] |
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E 1.99:rfp--2364
Search for element 110 in nature |
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E 1.99:rfp-2365
Molten salt extraction of americium from molten plutonium metal |
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E 1.99:rfp--2366
Plutonium-241 processing from impure oxide to high purity metal target disks. |
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E 1.99:rfp--2374
Storage capacity for fissile material as a function of facility shape (room length-to-width ratio) |
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E 1.99:rfp--2380
Recovery of plutonium metal from tantalum crucibles by hydriding |
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E 1.99:rfp--2381
Logarithmic transformed statistical models in calibration |
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E 1.99:rfp--2382
Reaction gamma rays in plutonium compounds, mixtures, and alloys |
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E 1.99:rfp-2402
Investigation into the dissolution and direct assay of high-fired plutonium dioxide. [Fusion-melt with potassium pyrosulfate and sodium peroxide] |
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E 1.99:rfp-2417-a
Research and Development Semiannual Progress Report for January through June 1975 |
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E 1.99:rfp-2423
Cost-benefit analysis of advanced, sanitary sewage treatment at Rocky Flats |
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