E 1.99:rho-bwi-sa-19
Status report on studies to assess the feasibility of storing nuclear waste in Columbia plateau basalts |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-sa-20
Numerical modeling of the geomechanical response of a rock mass to a radioactive waste repository |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-sa-21
Basalt near-surface test facility test plans |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-sa-25
Status report on studies to assess the feasibility of storing nuclear waste in Columbia Plateau basalts |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-sa-26
Basalt stratigraphy - Pasco Basin |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-sa-29
Rate of deformation in the Pasco Basin during the Miocene as determined by distribution of Columbia River basalt flows |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-sa-30
Strain distribution and model for formation of eastern Umtanum Ridge anticline, south-central Washington |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-sa-51
Technical approach to resolving issues on rock mechanics as applied to development of a nuclear waste repository in a crystalline rock formation |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-st-1
Geophysical logging and hydrologic testing of deep basalt flows in the Rattlesnake Hills Well Number One |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-st--2
Paleomagnetism of the Grande Ronde (Lower Yakima) Basalt Exposed at Sentinel Gap Potential Use for Stratigraphic Correlation. |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-st-3
Statistical evaluation of some Columbia River basalt chemical analyses |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-st-6
Surface hydrologic investigations of the Columbia Plateau Region, Washington |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-st-7
Engineered barrier development for a nuclear waste repository in basalt an integration of current knowledge. |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-st-8
Near-surface test facility. Phase I. Geologic site characterization report |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-st-9
Identification of key radionuclides in a nuclear waste repository in basalt |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-st-10
Estimation of waste package performance requirements for a nuclear waste repository in basalt |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-st-14
Subsurface geology of the Cold Creek syncline |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-tc-012
Hydrologic testing specifications for the DC-16 borehole cluster |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-td-019
Physical properties of Dowell Chemical Seal Ring |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ti-073
Analysis of two-well tracer tests with a pulse input |
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