E 1.99:rho-bwi-dp-061 rev 1
A hydrochemical data base for the Hanford Site, Washington |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-1
Pasco Basin stratigraphic nomenclature |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-2
Rock mechanics methods and in situ heater tests for design of a nuclear waste repository in basalt |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-3
Preparation of standard Umtanum sample by Battelle Northwest Laboratories |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-4
Geology of the Saddle Mountains between Sentinel Gap and 119°30' longitude |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-5
Geology of Gable Mountain-Gable Butte Area |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-6
Geology of the Nine Canyon Map Area |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-8
Preliminary geologic map of the late Cenozoic sediments of the western half of the Pasco Basin |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-10
Characterization and recognition of intraflow structures, Grande Ronde Basalt |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-11
Reference waste form, basalts, and ground water systems for waste interaction studies |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-12
Preliminary analysis of some waters from the confined aquifers underlying the Hanford site |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-14
Review of nuclear waste isolation |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-15
Descriptive summary of the Grande Ronde Basalt type section, Columbia River Basalt Group |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-16
Geology along topographic profile for near-surface test facility |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-20
Preliminary description of hydrologic characteristics and contaminant transport potential of rocks in the Pasco Basin, south-central Washington |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-22
Site identification presentation Basalt Waste Isolation Project. |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-ld-23
Functions of an engineered barrier system for a nuclear waste repository in basalt |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-sa-5
Orthopyroxene fractionation in the Grande Ronde Basalt--Columbia River Basalt group |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-sa-11
Bergmounds along the western margin of the channeled scablands, south--central Washington |
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E 1.99:rho-bwi-sa-14
Evaluation of basalt flows as a waste isolation media |
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