Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:sand--93-0188 Evaluating the ignition sensitivity of thermal battery heat pellets 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0205c A doubly logarithmic communication algorithm for the Completely Connected Optical Communication Parallel Computer 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0208 Error propagation equations and tables for estimating the uncertainty in high-speed wind tunnel test results 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0208c Error propagation equations for estimating the uncertainty in high-speed wind tunnel test results 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0218 Mission hazard assessment for STARS Mission 1 (M1) in the Marshall Islands area 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0223c Source term considerations for spallation neutron targets 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0225c Development of alternatives to lead-bearing solders 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0226c Logistics for the implementation of lead-free solders on electronic assemblies 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0229c High heat flux engineering in solar energy applications 1
E 1.99: sand--93-0234 Assessment of the impact of degraded shear wall stiffnesses on seismic plant risk and seismic design loads 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0241c A breakdown model for the bipolar transistor to be used with circuit simulators 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0242c Adaptive path planning Algorithm and analysis. 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0244c Binding of copper to nanocavity surfaces in silicon 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0246c Simulation of penetration and perforation with CTH 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0250c Burnup credit validation of SCALE-4 using light-water-reactor criticals 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0251c The application of nondestructive techniques to the testing of a wind turbine blade 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0256 Event triggered data acquisition in the Rock Mechanics Laboratory 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0259c A new decomposition strategy for parallel bonded molecular dynamics 1
E 1.99:sand-93-0261 Fiber-optic shock position sensor 1
E 1.99:sand--93-0280 A review and development of correlations for base pressure and base heating in supersonic flow 1