E 1.99:sand2001-0963
Current Filament Semiconductor Lasers (CFSL) |
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E 1.99:sand2001-0999
Characterization of UOP IONSIV IE-911 |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1001
General Stability Models for Potential IE-911 Column Plugging Materials |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1002
A Preliminary Assessment of IE-911 Column Pretreatment Options |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1054
Assessment of Downhole-Tiltmeter Fracture Monitoring at the Mounds Drill Cuttings Injection Test |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1055
Uptake of Nitroaromatic Compounds by Polymeric Tubing |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1057
Theory Manual for VERDI The Calculation of Energy Dissipation in a Steadily Rolling Tire. |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1062
Final Report for the 10 to 100 Gigabit/Second Networking Laboratory Directed Research and Development Project |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1074
Instructions and Changes to the NEWPEP Thermochemical Code |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1081
Solar Thermal Utility-Scale Joint Venture Program (USJVP) Final Report |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1108
Optimization of Polymer Filler Materials |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1126
FY00 LDRD Annual Report |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1155
A Brief Technology Survey of High-Power Microwave Sources |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1158
A Gas-Solid Riser Experiment for Fundamental Studies of Turbulent Multiphase Flow |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1187
Investigation of Mass Distributions in a Stabilized Plume for Various Lofting Energies and Meteorological Conditions |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1280
Hot Cell Facility Criticality Safety Assessment for Storage of Medical Isotope Targets and Process Waste |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1281
Direct Fabrication of Multi-Functional Nanocomposites via Supramolecular Self-Assembly |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1283
Cloud to CAD |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1289
Accurate GPS Time-Linked Data Acquisition System (ATLAS) User's Manual |
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E 1.99:sand2001-1292
Chemical Reaction Mechanisms for Modeling the Fluorocarbon Plasma Etch of Silicon Oxide and Related Materials |
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