Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:sand2015-3904pe Electromagnetic Continuum Mechanics in ALEGRA and Moving toward Uncertainty Quantification in Predictive Design. 2
E 1.99:sand2015-3905c Block Preconditioners for Resistive MHD in Vector Potential Form. 2
E 1.99:sand2015-3909pe Approximate Block Factorization Preconditioners for Scalable Solution of Multiphysics MHD Systems. 1
E 1.99:sand2015-3910pe Scalable Implicit / IMEX Resistive MHD with Stabilized Finite Element Methods and Fully-coupled Newton-Krylov-AMG Solution Methods. 1
E 1.99:sand2015-3913c Ultra-high-dimensional optimization for trade space exploration challenges and lessons learned. 2
E 1.99:sand2015-3914c Latency-avoiding Dynamic Optical Circuit Prefetch Using Application-specific Predictors. 1
E 1.99:sand2015-3915pe B61-12_LEP_TYDASTWD_Presentation_Kuehn_2015-04-15_amended_(UUR_pending)_SHOW_FORMAT. 1
E 1.99:sand2015-3916c Unified Creep Plasticity Damage (UCPD) Model for Rigid Polyurethane Foams. 2
E 1.99:sand2015-3917c Creating a Dynamometer for Experimental Validation of Power Take-Off Forces on a Wave energy Converter. 2
E 1.99:sand2015-3918c Surfactant-Templated Nanoporous Metal Films and Powders. 2
E 1.99:sand2015-3926c Biosafety Practices in Laboratory Settings in the US. 2
E 1.99:sand2015-3927c Biosecurity and Dual Use Research. 2
E 1.99:sand2015-3929pe DOE Nuclear Criticality Safety Program Hands-On Criticality Safety Courses at Sandia National Laboratories. 2
E 1.99:sand2015-3933pe In Situ Formation of Apatite in Sediment For Construction of Permeable Reactive Barriers for Immobilization of Radionuclides. 2
E 1.99:sand2015-3934c Single Event Effects Testing Results in Sandia National Laboratories Via Programmable ASIC Platforms. 2
E 1.99:sand2015-3935pe Materials Tribology Reliability of Electrical Contacts. 2
E 1.99:sand2015-3936c Robotics Poster for DRC 2015 Expo. 2
E 1.99:sand2015-3937c First Responder Poster for DRC 2015 Expo. 2
E 1.99:sand2015-3939c Uncertainty Quantification in Material Parameter Calibration for Laminate Composite Failure in Flexure. 2
E 1.99:sand2015-3941pe Sandia National Laboratories and Safeguards An Overview. 2