Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:slac-pub-10085 Development of a Polarized Electron Gun Based on an S-Band PWT Photoinjector 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10086 Measurements of Branching Fractions in B {yields} {phi}K and B {yields} {phi}{pi} and Search for Direct CP Violation in B{sup {+-}} {yields} {phi}K{sup {+-}}
Measurements of Branching Fractions in B -> phi K and B -> phi pi and Search for Direct CP Violation in B̂+/- -> phi K̂+/-
E 1.99:slac-pub-10087 An Over-damped Cavity Longitudinal Kicker for the PEP-II LER 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10088 Rare Radiative and Leptonic B Decays Recent Results from BaBar and Belle. 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10089 Localized Tachyon Mass and a g-theorem Analogue 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10090 Chiral Rings and GSO Projection in Orbifolds 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10091 Comments on the Fate of Unstable Orbifolds 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10092 Observation of the Decay B{sup 0} {yields} {pi}{sup 0}{pi}{sup 0}
Observation of the Decay B<sup>0</sup> → π<sup>0</sup>π<sup>0</sup>
E 1.99:slac-pub-10093 Observation of the Decay B0->rho+rho- and Measurement of the Branching Fraction and Polarization
Observation of the Decay B0->rho+rho- and Measurement of the Branching Fraction and Polarization
E 1.99:slac-pub-10094 Yukawa hierarchies from extra dimensions with small FCNC 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10095 Measurement of Inclusive Momentum Spectra and Multiplicity Distributions of Charged Particles at {radical}s {approx} 2-5 GeV
Measurement of Inclusive Momentum Spectra and Multiplicity Distributions of Charged Particles at s**1/2 sim 2-5 GeV
E 1.99:slac-pub-10096 Might Dark Matter be Actually Black? 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10097 Laboratory Investigations of the Extreme Universe
Laboratory Investigations of the Extreme Universe
E 1.99:slac-pub-10098 Soft-Collinear Messengers A New Mode in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory. 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10099 Measurement of Branching Fractions and Charge Asymmetries in B Meson Decays to {eta}{prime}K*, {eta}{prime}{rho}, and {eta}{pi}
Measurement of Branching Fractions and Charge Asymmetries in B Meson Decays to eta(') K*, eta{'} rho, and eta' pi
E 1.99:slac-pub-10100 Measurement of the B {yields} X{sub s} {ell}{sup +}{ell}{sup -} Branching Fraction Using a Sum Over Exclusive Modes
Measurement of the B -> Xs l+ l- Branching Fraction Using a Sum Over Exclusive Modes
E 1.99:slac-pub-10101 Measurement of {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} D*{sub s}{sup +}D*{sup -}) and Determination of the D{sub s}{sup +} {yields} {phi}{pi}{sup +} Branching Fraction with a Partial-Reconstruction Method
Measurement of {\cal B}(B<sup>0</sup> → D<sub>s</sub><sup>*+</sup>D<sup>*-</sup>) and Determination of the D<sub>s</sub><sup>+</sup> →Φπ<sup>+</sup> Branching Fraction with a Partial-Reconstruction Method
Measurement of Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry in B<sup>0</sup> → D<sup>(*)</sup><sup>±</sup>π<sup>∓</sup> Decays and Constraints on sin(2β + γ)
E 1.99:slac-pub-10102 A Measurement of the Total Width, the Electronic Width and the Mass of the Upsilon(10580) Resonance. 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10103 Measurement of Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry in B{sup 0} {yields} D*{sup {+-}{pi}{sup -+}} Decays and Constraints on
Measurement of Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry in B0->D*+-pi-+ Decays and Constraints on sin(2beta+gamma)
E 1.99:slac-pub-10104 Measurement of Branching Fractions for B{sup 0} {yields} K*{sub 2}(1430){sup 0}{gamma} and B{sup +} {yields} K*{sub 2}(1430){sup +}{gamma} branching fractions
Measurement of Branching Fractions for B<sup>0</sup> → K*<sub>2</sub>(1430)<sup>0</sup>γ and B+ → K*<sub>2</sub>(1430)<sup>+</sup>γ