Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:slac-pub-10360 Real radiation at NNLO e+e- --> 2 jets Through O(a{sub s}{sup 2})
Real radiation at NNLO e+e- --> 2 jets Through O(a_ŝ2)
E 1.99:slac-pub-10361 Betatron-Function Measurement in Lattices with 90-Degrees Section 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10362 Initial Results from Model Independent Analysis of the KEK ATF 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10363 Measurements of CP-violating Asymmetries in B0 -> Ks Pi0 Decays 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10364 Limits on the Decay-Rate Difference of Neutral-B Mesons and on CP, T, and CPT Violation in B0-antiB0 Oscillations 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-10365 Les Houches ''Physics at TeV Colliders 2003'' Beyond the Standard Model Working Group Summary Report.
Les Houches "Physics at TeV Colliders 2003" Beyond the Standard Model Working Group Summary Report.
E 1.99:slac-pub-10366 Partonic calculation of the two-photon exchange contribution to elastic electron-proton scattering at large momentum transfer
Partonic Calculation of the Two-Photon Exchange Contribution to Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering at Large Momentum Transfer
E 1.99:slac-pub-10367 Search for the Decay B0 --> ppbar 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10368 Branching Fraction Measurements of B --> eta c K Decays 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10369 PEP-II Beta Beat Fixes with MIA 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10370 Accelerator Structure Development for NLC/GLC 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10371 Precision Measurement of Coupling Eigen ellipses in a storage ring 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-10372 Numerical Modeling and Analysis of Optical Response of Electro-optic Modulators 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10373 Time-Domain Electromagnetic-Physics-Based Modeling of Complex Microwave Structures 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10375 Highly-Polarized Electron Emission from Strain-Compensated Superlattices and Superlattices with High-Valence-Band Splitting 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10376 A Simulation Study of the Sawtooth Behavior 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10377 A Fast Beam-Ion Instability 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-10378 PEP-II RF Feedback System Simulation 2
E 1.99:slac-pub-10379 Heavy Quark Production and Gluon Shadowing at RHIC and LHC 2