E 1.99:slac-pub-11463
Electro-Weak Penguin and Leptonic Decays in BaBar |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11464
Semileptonic B Decays From BaBar |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11465
Stretched Wire Mechanics |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11466
Recording PEP2 Ring Beam Losses at SLAC |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11467
Study of the Low Momentum Compaction B-factory |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11468
Comment on Form Factor Shape and Extraction of $ |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11469
X-ray Emission from Megamaser Galaxy IC 2560 |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11470
The First Chandra Field |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11471
W-Band Sheet Beam Klystron Simulation |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11472
Probing the Universal Randall-Sundrum Model at the ILC |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11473
A Rotating Coil Apparatus with Sub-Micrometer Magnetic Center Measurement Stability |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11474
Measurement of Branching Fractions and Resonance Contributions for B0 -> D0bar K+ pi- and Search for B0 -> D0 K+ pi- Decays |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11475
Single Bunch Monopole Instability |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11476
A 90-GHz Photoinjector |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11477
Measurements of Radiation Near An Atomic Spectral Line From the Interaction of a 30-GeV Electron Beam And a Long Plasma |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11478
AdS_3 Cosmology |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11479
The Role of the ILC in the Study of Cosmic Dark Matter |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11480
High-Significance Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Measurement Abell 1914 Seen With the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager. |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11481
Radio Bubbles in Clusters of Galaxies |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-11482
Observation of Femtosecond Bunch Length Using a Transverse Deflecting Structure |
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