Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:slac-pub-13600 Search for B̂0 meson decays to \pî0 K̂0_S K̂0_S, \eta K̂0_S K̂0_S, and \etâ{\prime}K̂0_S K̂0_S 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13601 Effects of Magnet Errors in the ILC 14 mrad Extraction Line 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13602 Sheet Beam Klystron Instability Analysis 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13603 Optics Design for FACET 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13604 Chiral Gauge Dynamics and Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13605 Undulator-Based Production of Polarized Positrons 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13606 Self-Calibrated Cluster Counts as a Probe of Primordial Non-Gaussianity 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13607 Condensates in Quantum Chromodynamics and the Cosmological Constant 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13608 The Ultraviolet Behavior of N 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13609 Polarization Analysis of Nonlinear Harmonic Radiation in a Crossed-Planar Undulator 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13610 Optics Design for a Soft X-ray FEL at the SLAC A-Line 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13611 Investigations into Cost Reductions of X-band Instrumentation 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13613 Feedback Configuration Tools for LHC Low Level RF 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13614 A Simple, Low Cost Longitudinal Phase Space Diagnostic 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13615 Longitudinal Bunch Position Control for the Super-B Accelerator 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13616 A Proposed Fast Luminosity Feedback for the Super-B Accelerator 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13617 On Possible Interpretations of the High Energy Electron-Positron Spectrum Measured by the Fermi Large Area Telescope 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13618 Fermi Discovery of Gamma-Ray Emission from NGC 1275 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13619 Fermi/LAT Discovery of Gamma-Ray Emission From the Flat-Spectrum Radio Quasar PKS 1454-354 1
E 1.99:slac-pub-13620 The Large Area Telescope on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope Mission 1