E 1.99:slac-pub-14691
Summary of the LARP Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Compensation 2007 |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-14692
An X-Band Gun Test Area at SLAC |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-14693
Recent Results on Semileptonic Decays at Babar |
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CKM-UT Angles Mixing And CP Violation at the B Factories. |
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Crab Cavities for Linear Colliders |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-14696
Measurements of the CKM angle gamma at BaBar |
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New Developments in MadGraph/MadEvent |
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Angular and Isospin Asymmetries in the Decays B->K(*)l l- |
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Fast Shower Simulation in the ATLAS Calorimeter |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-14700
Implementation And Performance of the ATLAS Second Level Jet Trigger |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-14701
Event Reconstruction Algorithms for the ATLAS Trigger |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-14702
Integration of the Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems in ATLAS |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-14703
Tau Trigger at the ATLAS Experiment |
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Transversity from First Principles in QCD |
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Constraints on the pMSSM from LAT Observations of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies |
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A Silicon-Tungsten ECal with Integrated Electronics |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-14707
Production of BaBar Skimmed Analysis Datasets Using the Grid |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-14708
Data Access Performance Through Parallelization and Vectored Access Some Results. |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-14709
Grid Data Access on Widely Distributed Worker Nodes Using Scalla and SRM |
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E 1.99:slac-pub-14710
Extra Dimensions 3D and Time in PDF Documentation. |
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