Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-004 Comparing the Calibration and Simulation Data of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-005 PyDecay/GraphPhys A Unified Language and Storage System for Particle Decay Process Descriptions. 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-006 Assessing Potential Acidification of Marine Archaeological Wood Based on Concentration of Sulfur Species 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-007 Data Acquisition in a High Harmonic Generation Lab and at LCLS 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-008 Calibration Analyses and Efficiency Studies for the Anti Coincidence Detector on the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-009 Parallelizing AT with MatlabMPI 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-010 Creating an EPICS Based Test Stand Development System for a BPM Digitizer of the Linac Coherent Light Source 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-011 New Technique for Speciation of Uranium in Sediments Following Acetate-Stimulated Bioremediation 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-012 Improving Phase Measurement Procedures for Pump-Probe Experiments 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-013 Anomalous X-ray Diffraction Studies for Photovoltaic Applications 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-014 Investigation of novel decay B _____ ____(2S)____K at BaBar 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-015 Bi-Plasma Interactions on Femtosecond Time-Scales 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-016 LSST Charge-Coupled Device Calibration 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-017 Analysis of Femtosecond Timing Noise and Stability in Microwave Components 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-018 Development of a Navigator and Imaging Techniques for the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Detectors 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-019 Feasibility of Close-Range Photogrammetric Models for Geographic Information System 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-11-020 Using SciDB to Support Photon Science Data Analysis 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-12-001 Facts About XLDB-2011 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-12-003 A Linac Simulation Code for Macro-particles Tracking and Steering Algorithm Implementation 1
E 1.99:slac-tn-12-004 FODO-Supercell Based Compact Ring Design with Tunable Momentum Compaction and Optimized Dynamic Aperture 1