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GTF Transverse and Longitudinal Emittance Data Analysis Technique |
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Optical Design Considerations Relevant to Reflective UV Launch Gratings for Photocathode Irradiation |
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LUSI CXI Detector Stage #1 Alignment and Motion |
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LCLS Injector Straight-Ahead Spectrometer |
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Wakefield Computations for the Injector (Part I) |
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Wakefield Calculations for Radiation Stopper 1 (RST1) |
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LCLS Gun Solenoid Design Considerations |
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Penetration of the LCLS Injector Shield Wall at Sector 20 |
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Location of Maximum Credible Beam Losses in LCLS Injector |
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A Vibrating Wire System For Quadrupole Fiducialization |
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Tests of Coordinate Transfer from Magnetic to Mechanical Reference for LCLS Undulator Fiducialization |
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Temperature Measurements in the Magnetic Measurement Facility |
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First Measurements and Results With a Stretched Wire Test Setup |
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Direct Comparison of Brookhaven Reflectivity Measurements with Free-Electron Theory |
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Triggering for Magnetic Field Measurements of the LCLS Undulators |
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Earth's Magnetic Field Measurements for the LCLS Undulators |
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RF Design of the LCLS Gun |
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E 1.99:slac-tn-11-001
Solvation Sphere of I- and Br- in Water |
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Clicks versus Citations Click Count as a Metric in High Energy Physics Publishing. |
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Diborane Electrode Response in 3D Silicon Sensors for the CMS and ATLAS Experiments |
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