Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:sol-90-15 A discounted-cost continuous-time flexible manufacturing and operator scheduling model solved by deconvexification over time 1
E 1.99:sol-90-17 Two characterizations of sufficient matrices 1
E 1.99:sol-92-1 A strictly improving Phase 1 algorithm using least-squares subproblems 1
E 1.99:sol--92-1 A strictly improving Phase 1 algorithm using least-squares subproblems 1
E 1.99:sol-92-2 A strictly improving linear programming alorithm based on a series of Phase 1 problems 1
E 1.99:sol--92-2 A strictly improving linear programming alorithm based on a series of Phase 1 problems 1
E 1.99:sol-92-4 Large-scale sequential quadratic programming algorithms 1
E 1.99:sol--92-4 Large-scale sequential quadratic programming algorithms 1
E 1.99:sol-92-6 Bracketing to speed convergence illustrated on the von Newmann algorithm for finding a feasible solution to a linear program with a convexity contraint 1
E 1.99:sol--92-6 Bracketing to speed convergence illustrated on the von Newmann algorithm for finding a feasible solution to a linear program with a convexity contraint. Technical report 1
E 1.99:sol-92-8 Planning under uncertainty solving large-scale stochastic linear programs 1
E 1.99:sol--92-8 Planning under uncertainty solving large-scale stochastic linear programs 1
E 1.99:sol-93-1 Computing modified Newton directions using a partial Cholesky factorization 1
E 1.99:sol--93-1 Computing modified Newton directions using a partial Cholesky factorization 1
E 1.99:sol--93-3 A sequential quadratic programming algorithm using an incomplete solution of the subproblem 1
E 1.99:sol--93-4 On the numerical stability of quasi-definite systems 1
E 1.99:sol--93-5 The simplex algorithm with a new primal and dual pivot rule 1
E 1.99:sol--93-6 Algorithmic advances in stochastic programming 1
E 1.99:sol--93-7 Decomposition and (importance) sampling techniques for multi-stage stochastic linear programs 1
E 1.99:sol--93-8 Enhanced algorithms for stochastic programming 1