Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:ucid-18036 Transmission spectrum of lithium tantalate 1
E 1.99:ucid-18043 Gravity inversion code. [SEARCH, TREND, INVERT, AVERAGE, for CDC computers] 1
E 1.99:ucid-18049 Temperature and thermal stress analysis of a switching tube anode 1
E 1.99:ucid-18050 Operators guide Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability (ARAC) site facility. 1
E 1.99:ucid-18051 Preliminary results of tests of proprietary chemical additives, seeding, and other approaches for the reduction of scale in hypersaline geothermal systems 1
E 1.99:ucid-18054 Mobile emergency response unit 1
E 1.99:ucid-18060 Minimum streaming current requirements for MFTF--revised by recent (r/sub p//a/sub i/) scaling in 2XIIB 1
E 1.99:ucid-18063 Transient high speed gas flow in a gravel stemming column. [BANDICOOT Event] 1
E 1.99:ucid-18065 Computer simulation of radial transport in tandem mirror machines 1
E 1.99:ucid-18069 TMX supermodel 1
E 1.99:ucid-18070 Computer model for ductile fracture 1
E 1.99:ucid-18071 Computer code for the transfer function of seismic systems 1
E 1.99:ucid-18072 High temperature science future needs and anticipated development in high-density shock-wave research. 1
E 1.99:ucid-18074-79-1 LLL geothermal industrial support program first quarter technical progress report for FY1979 1
E 1.99:ucid-18077 Large-area boron and carbon scatterers and filters 1
E 1.99:ucid-18078 Interim report on the tandem mirror hybrid design study 1
E 1.99:ucid-18086 Thick-target neutron and. gamma. -ray yields induced by medium-energy proton and deuteron bombardments 1
E 1.99:ucid-18089 Computer language evaluation for MFTF SCDS 1
E 1.99:ucid-18091 On-line tests of organic additives for the inhibition of the precipitation of silica from hypersaline geothermal brine 1
E 1.99:ucid-18094 Production of a handbook Nd-doped glass spectroscopic and physical properties. 1