E 1.99:ucid-19667
Single-station locations of seismic events |
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E 1.99:ucid-19668
High-current beam transport in the FXR injector |
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E 1.99:ucid--19672
Drilling-induced borehole-wall damage at spent fuel test-climax |
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E 1.99:ucid-19673
Four-way rf beam separator |
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E 1.99:ucid-19674
Calculation of a tracking force |
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E 1.99:ucid-19675
Influence of centering forces on IFR hose instability |
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E 1.99:ucid-19676
Calculation and interpretation of In-Situ measurements of initial radiations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki |
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E 1.99:ucid-19689
Mechanical properties of vapor-deposited thin metallic films a status report. |
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E 1.99:ucid-19690
DMSP/MFR total ozone and radiance data base |
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E 1.99:ucid-19692
Review of intense-ion-beam propagation with a view toward measuring ion energy |
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E 1.99:ucid-19696
Microwave energy storage in resonant cavities |
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E 1.99:ucid-19700
Human-factors engineering control-room design review/audit Waterford 3 SES Generating Station, Louisiana Power and Light Company. |
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E 1.99:ucid-19701
Technical issues related to NUREG 0800, Chapter 18 Human Factors Engineering/Standard Review Plan. |
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E 1.99:ucid-19702
Tables of cross references among SECY 82-111, NUREG 0700, NUREG 0835, NUREG 0801 |
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E 1.99:ucid-19707
Preliminary systems-interaction results from the Digraph Matrix Analysis of the Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant safety-injection systems |
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E 1.99: ucid-19719
Seismic Safety Margins Research Programs. Assessment of potential increases in risk due to degradation of steam generator and reactor coolant pump supports. [PWR] |
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E 1.99:UCID-19722
Reliability analysis of stiff versus flexible piping. Status report |
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E 1.99:ucid-19725
Impact of inservice inspection on the reliability of nuclear piping |
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E 1.99:ucid-19729
Leaching study of nuclear melt glass Part I. |
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E 1.99:ucid-19730
Fusion-neutron effects on magnetoresistivity of copper stabilizer materials |
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