Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: ucid-21002-vol.2 Component Fragility Research Program Phase 1, Demonstration tests. 1
E 1.99: ucid-21003 Component Fragility Research Program Phase 1 component prioritization. 1
E 1.99:ucid-21004 Equations describing coherent and partially coherent multilevel molecular excitation induced by pulsed Raman transitions III. 1
E 1.99:ucid-21008-vol.7 Evaluation of military field-water quality Volume 7, Performance evaluation of the 600-gph reverse osmosis water purification unit (ROWPU) Reverse osmosis (RO) components. 1
E 1.99:ucid-21033 Comments on ECH current drive by asymmetric heating around the median plane (GA Technologies report No. GA-A18656, October 1986) by Tihiro Ohkawa 1
E 1.99:ucid-21035 Energy spectra of the pneumatically positioned neutron sources at LLNL's Hazards control standards and calibration facility 1
E 1.99:ucid-21036 The present status of the LLNL Evaluated Charged Particle Library (ECPL) 1
E 1.99:UCID-21039 Summary report of the symposium on seismic and geologic siting criteria for nuclear power plants 1
E 1.99:ucid--21044 Progress report on the results of testing advanced conceptual design metal barrier materials under relevant environmental conditions for a tuff repository 1
E 1.99:ucid-21055 Electron trajectories in pulsed radiation fields 1
E 1.99:ucid-21062 2, Pulse-mode expansions and refractive indices in plane-wave propagation 1
E 1.99:ucid-21063 The excitation function for ⁴⁸V from tritons on natural titanium 1
E 1.99:ucid-21064 HOTSPUR Neutron and gamma-ray emission from the transport of 14 MeV neutrons through H₂O. 1
E 1.99:ucid-21075 A high gain free electron laser amplifier design for the Alcator-C tokamak. [FRED] 1
E 1.99:ucid-21076 The polarization field for pulsed Raman transitions 1
E 1.99:ucid-21077 Steady-state approximations in Raman excitation equations 1
E 1.99:ucid-21078 Coupled Maxwell-Bloch equations for pulsed Raman transitions 1
E 1.99:ucid-21080-86 Low-density hydrocarbon foams for laser fusion targets Progress report, 1986. 1
E 1.99:ucid-21080-87 Low-density hydrocarbon foams for laser fusion targets Progress report, 1987. 1
E 1.99:ucid-21082 The efficiency of a bremsstrahlung interrogator Beam Research Program. 1