E 1.99:ucrl-52192
Helium and deuterium permeability in O-rings. [Simulation of tritium] |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52196
Potential effects of geothermal energy conversion on Imperial Valley ecosystems. [Seven workshop presentations] |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52197
Use of geochemical-equilibrium computer calculations to estimate precipitation from geothermal brines |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52199
Survey of naturally occurring hazardous materials in deep geologic formations a perspective on the relative hazard of deep burial of nuclear wastes. |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52200
Review of methods for the detection of 10 nCi/g of transuranic isotopes in solid waste |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52203
Update of plasma parameters for a mirror FERF |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52205
Neutral beam current requirements for MX |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52207
Tornado structure interaction a numerical simulation. |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52210
Using the Wolfsberg--Schactschneider program to calculate equilibrium constants for isotopic acetylenes. [C₂H₂ + C₂D₂. -->. 2C₂HD; C₂H₂ + D₂O. -->. C₂D₂ + H₂O; 40 to 2,000°K] |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52212
Mathematical models describing generation and diffusion of tritium and helium-4 in solid breeders for fusion reactors |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52215
Numerical simulation of laser fusion plasmas using a reduced description formalism |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52216
Installation of horizontal seismometers in the LLL seismic net and their calibration. [Measurement of ground motion from underground nuclear explosions at Nevada Test Site] |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52218
Calculation of transport coefficients in an axisymmetric plasma |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52220
In-line measurement of total and isotopic plutonium concentrations by gamma-ray spectrometry |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52226
Hydrogen vapor pressures from 4 to 30 K a review. [67 references] |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52232
Safety analysis report for packaging neutron shipping cask, model 4T. |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52233
Computation of the bounce-average code |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52236
Evaluation and assessment of nuclear power plant seismic methodology |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52237
Geological exploration of potential underground coal gasification sites in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana |
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E 1.99:ucrl-52238
Geophysical and geochemical models of the Earth's shields and rift zones |
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