Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-225325 Development of a Safeguards Verification Method and Instrument to Detect Pin Diversion from Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Spent Fuel Assemblies 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-225350 Moisture Outgassing from Silica-Filled Polydimethylsiloxane TR55 and S5370 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-225553 Confinement Studies in High Temperature Spheromak Plasmas 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-225588 Microanalytical Methods for Bio-Forensics Investigations 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-225607 LX-17 Deflagration at High Pressures and Temperatures 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-225694 Scrape-Off Layer Transport and Deposition Studies in DIII-D 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-225750 Coulomb excitation of the 242mAm isomer 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-225774 Experiment on mass-stripping of interstellar cloud following shock passage 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-225781 Heterogeneous precipitation of Cu in Fe-Cu alloys 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-225802 Laser Beam Propagation through Inertial Confinement Fusion Hohlraum Plasmas 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-225806 MRF Applications On the Road to Making Large-Aperture Ultraviolet Laser Resistant Continuous Phase Plates for High-Power Lasers. 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-225959 Long Term Electrochemical Behavior of Creviced and Non-Creviced Alloy 22 in CaCl2 + Ca(NO3)2 Brines at 155?C 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-225998 Neutron Radiation Shielding For The NIF Streaked X-Ray Detector (SXD) Diagnostic 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-226066 Crevice Repassivation Potentials for Alloy 22 in Simulated Concentrated Ground Waters 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-226068 Environmental and Geometrical Conditions to Sustain Crevice Corrosion in Alloy 22 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-226076 Monte Carlo Particle Transport Capability for Inertial Confinement Fusion Applications 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-226082 Fusion of X-Ray and Ultrasound Images for As-Built Modeling 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-226095 Super-Resolution Algorithms for Nondestructive Evaluation Imaging 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-226122 Application of Neutron-Absorbing Structural-Amorphous Metal (SAM) Coatings for Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Container to Enhance Criticality Safety Controls 1
E 1.99:ucrl-conf-226129 Particle Splitting for Monte-Carlo Simulation of the National Ignition Facility 1