Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141036 Ignition Scaling Laws and Their Application to Capsule Design 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141053 National Ignition Facility Target Chamber 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141055 Dense Matter Characterization by X-ray Thomson Scattering 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141059 Experimental Determination of Ca-Silicate Dissolution Rates A Source of Calcium for Geologic CO2. 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141061 Hydride precipitation crack propagation in zircaloy cladding during a decreasing temperature history 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141063 Decontamination of U-metal Surface by an Oxidation Etching System 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141084 3D HYDRA Simulations of NIF Targets 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141084-rev-1 3D HYDRA simulations of NIF targets 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141126 LOTIS Upper Limits and the Prompt OT from GRB 990123 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141127 Super-lotis early time optical counterpart measurements 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141131 Feedback from video for virtual reality Navigation 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141133 Vehicular hydrogen storage using lightweight tanks 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141142 Pulse height spectrum measurement experiment for code benchmarking first results. 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141166 Temperature as a diagnostic for the drift scale test 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141167 Deformation of the rock mass in the drift scale test 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141172 Russia's views on cruise missiles in the context of START III 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141175 Matrix formulation of a universal microbial transcript profiling system 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141185 Thermal stability of magnetron and ion beam sputtered top and bottom spin-valve films 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141186 Multilayer Optics for an Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography Tool with 70 nm Resolution 1
E 1.99:ucrl-jc-141200 Multiscale Modeling of Dissipation and Failure in MEMS Resonators 1