Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221077 Laboratory Measurements of the Line Emission from Mid-Z L-Shell Ions in the EUV 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221144 Applying Science and Technology to Combat WMD Terrorism 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221155 Exoplanet detection with simultaneous spectral differential imaging effects of out-of-pupil-plane optical aberrations. 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221170 Mass-stripping analysis of an interstellar cloud by a supernova shock 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221171 Laboratory observation of secondary shock formation ahead of a strongly radiative blast wave 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221172 Modeling planetary interiors in laser based experiments using shockless compression 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221173 Nonlinear Dynamics of Ionization Fronts in HII Regions 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221295 Development and Characterization of a High Magnetic Field Solenoid for Laser Plasma Experiments 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221332 Noise Studies of Externally Dispersed Interferometry for Doppler Velocimetry 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221371 Deformable Nanolaminate Optics 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221531 Tomographic wavefront correction for the LSST 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221604 Stab Sensitivity of Energetic Nanolaminates 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221634 Science with Micro-X the TES Microcalorimeter X-ray Imaging Rocket. 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221772 X-ray Digital Radiography and Computed Tomography of ICF and HEDP Materials, Subassemblies and Targets 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221776 Nanolaminate Deformable Mirrors 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-221893 Selection of Corrosion Resistant Materials for Nuclear Waste Repositories 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-222059 Development of a Low Loss, High Dielectric Strength Microwave Substrate 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-222141 A Strategy for Interpretation of Microearthquake Tomography Results in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field Based upon Rock Physics Interpretations of State 2-14 Borehole Logs 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-222261 Fiber laser front end for high energy petawatt laser systems 1
E 1.99:ucrl-proc-222262 Extreme prepulse contrast utilizing cascaded-optical parametric amplification 1