E 1.99:wanl-tmi--911
Core band tensile test |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--946
Dome end support ring pre-irradiation test |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--998
Methods of detecting partially adhered strain gages |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1005
Torque test, barrel retaining screws |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1031
Fatigue characteristics of block II lateral support springs |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1038
Calculation of differential and integral absorption in control vane from CMC flux values on and in vane |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1041
DTK one-dimensional transport theory code |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1077
Cryogenic mock-up loop design study |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1137
Outer reflector sector thermal shock test model temperature distribution calculations |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1157
Comparison of the S₂ and S₄ approximations in the DTK transport code |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1160
Corrosion test cracking of support block |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1164
Analysis of Be samples irradiated at the GTR |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1185
Elimination of binding of threaded connections on reactor and support equipment |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1201
Experimental determination of the variation in flow parameters for crowned and straight spline couplings |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1212
HM04-A general loss coefficient and friction factor program for various geometries using air or hydrogen |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1216
Operating instructions for the tie rod pin assembly tool, NT 600827 |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1257
Discussion of data, EML-1, reactor assembly axial vibration test, nozzle excitation |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1258
EML-1 reactor assembly axial vibration test conditions and transducer summary, nozzle excitation |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1387
Further after shutdown dose measurements on the pad |
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E 1.99:wanl-tmi--1389
Additional radiation and shielding experiments needed at WANEF |
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