Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:wsrc-rp-90-591 Analysis of soil and water at the Four Mile Creek seepline near the F H areas of SRS 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp--90-599 Task technical and QA plan Thermal effects study. 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp-90-599 Task technical and QA plan Thermal effects study. 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp-90-778 Compliance of the Savannah River Site D-Area cooling system with environmental regulations 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp-90-0812 Analysis of stream bed sediments of Four Mile Creek 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp-90-814 Environmental aspects of a tritium oxide release from the Savannah River Site on September 2 and 3, 1984 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp-90-820 Measuring the efficacy of a root biobarrier with x-ray computed tomography 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp--90-987 Classification of hydrostratigraphic units at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp-90-987 Classification of hydrostratigraphic units at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp--90-1010 SRS baseline hydrogeologic investigation Summary report. 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp-90-1010 SRS baseline hydrogeologic investigation Summary report. 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp-90-1031 Geochemical and physical properties of soils and shallow sediments at the Savannah River Site 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp--90-1055-rev.1 Task plan for test of PRBT prototypic liquid sampler. Revision 1 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp-90-1055-rev.1 Task plan for test of PRBT prototypic liquid sampler. [Precipitate Reactor Bottom Tank (PRBT)] 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp-90-1089 The effects of tributyl phosphate on a polymeric ultrafilter 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp-90-1119 DWPF risk analysis summary 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp--90-1121 RCRA closure plan for underground storage tank 105-C 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp--90-1122 Technical bases for the DWPF testing program 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp-90-1122 Technical bases for the DWPF testing program 1
E 1.99:wsrc-rp--90-1127 Criticality assessment of TRU burial ground culverts 1