E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00168
Summary Report of Soil Sample Analyses to Support Installation of Crouch Branch Monitoring Wells in A/M Area |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00170 rev. 0
Extent of Isotopic Dilution of Uranium-235 with the Addition of Depleted Uranium to Tank 43H Supernatant Liquid Waste |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00171
DWPF Melter No.2 Prototype Bus Bar Test Report |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00172
Estimation of Instability Flaw Lengths for Tank 6 |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00175
Improving the Filtration of Sludge/Monosodium Titanate Slurries by the Addition of Flocculants |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00180
Small Tank Tetraphenylborate Catalyst Studies |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00193
Radiolytic Bubble Gas Hydrogen Compositions |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00193, rev. 1
Radiolytic Bubble Gas Hydrogen Compositions |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00195
Cross-Flow Filtration of Simulated High-Level Waste Sludge (Tank 8F) |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00196 rev. 0
Criticality Safety Assessment Impact of Tank 40H Sludge Batch 2 Decant No. 2 on the Criticality Safety Assessment of the 242-25H Evaporator System (WSRC-TR-2000-00069) |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00198
Evaluating DNAPL Source and Migration Zones M-Area Settling Basin and the Western Sector of A/M Area, Savannah River Site. |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00203
Mixing Envelope D Sludge with LAW Intermediate Products with and without Glass Formers |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00211
Demonstration of Small Tank Tetraphenylborate Precipitation Process Using Savannah River Site High Level Waste |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00212
Cross-Flow Filtration Demonstration for Slurries Containing High Level Waste Sludge and Monosodium Titanate |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00213
Evaluation of Flocculation and Filtration Procedures Applied to WSRC Sludge A Report from B. Yarar, Colorado School of Mines. |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00214
Filtration Systems, Inc. Report for SRS SpinTek Rotary Microfilter Testing |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00214, rev. 1
Filtration Systems, Inc. Report for SRS SpinTek Rotary Microfilter Testing |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00221
Examination of Pre-Productions Samples of UOP IONSIV(R) IE-910 and IE-911 |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00223
Demonstration of Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction with Savannah River Site High Level Waste |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00225
HEU Holdup Measurements in the 321-M Draw Bench, Straightener, and Fluoroscope Components |
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