E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00131
Melt Rate Improvements for DWPF MB3 Frit Development and Model Assessment. |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00132
Characterization of Radionuclides for 2H Evaporator Cleaning Transfers to Tank 42 |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00133 rev. 0
Evaluation of Alternate Ion Exchange Designs for CST Non-Elutable Ion Exchange Process |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00140
Preliminary Dynamic Modeling of the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant Melter Offgas |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00145
Instream Biological Assessment of NPDES Point Source Discharges at the Savannah River Site, 2000 |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00146
Melt Rate Improvement for DWPF MB3 Melt Rate Furnace Testing. |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00147
Plutonium Immobilization Can Loading Summary Report |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00148
Melt Rate Improvement for DWPF MB3 Summary and Recommendations. |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00149
Annual Radioactive Waste Tank Inspection Program - 2000 |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00151
Melt Rate Improvement for DWPF MB3 Crucible Studies. |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00152
Melt Rate Improvement for DWPF MB3 Frit Preparation. |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00155
Thermodynamic Modeling of the SRS Evaporators Part II. The 3H System. |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00155, rev. 1
Thermodynamic Modeling of the SRS Evaporators Part II. The 3H System. |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00156
RPP-WPT Slurry Wear Evaluation Literature Review. |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00158
Melt Rate Improvement for DWPF MB3 Sugar Addition Test. |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00162
Evaluation of Cargo Leak Seal Product for use in Tank 30 Cooling Coils |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00163
Degradation and Failure Characteristics of NPP Containment Protective Coating Systems |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00165 rev. 0
In Situ g-PHA Measurements of the 285-3H Cooling Tower Components |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00166
Property-Composition Relationships for the DP Glasses Effect of Crystallization on Durability. |
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E 1.99:wsrc-tr-2001-00167 rev. 0
IIT B52 Antifoam Impact Upon PBA Hydrolysis Kinetics |
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