E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 C 00-80659
Policy and regulatory environment for utility-scale energy storage : Bangladesh / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 C 00-80821
North American renewables integration study (NARIS) |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP 5 C 00-80892
Development of renewable energy data for facilitating the clean energy transition in Vietnam / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-57089
Review of PREPA technical requirements for interconnecting wind and solar generation / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-58762
Improved gridded aerosol data for India / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-60735
Evaluation of clear sky models for satellite-based irradiance estimates / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-60755
Pre-feasibility analysis of pellet manufacturing on the former Loring Air Force Base site / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-60772
Synchrophasor applications for wind power generation / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-60886
Temporal and spatial comparison of gridded TMY, TDY, and TGY data sets / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-60896
Evaluation of radiometers deployed at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Solar Radiation Research Laboratory / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-61121
Satellite-based solar resource data sets for India 2002-2012 / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-61476
Indoor and outdoor spectroradiometer intercomparison for spectral irradiance measurement / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-61680
Capricious cables : understanding the key concepts in transmission expansion planning and its models / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-62053
User guide for PV dynamic model simulation written on PSCAD platform / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-62097
EPA re-powering America's lands : Kansas City municipal farm site--biomass power analysis / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-62483
NREL/SCE High-Penetration PV Integration Project : report on field demonstration of advanced inverter functionality in Fontana, CA / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-63112
Best practices handbook for the collection and use of solar resource data for solar energy applications / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-63175
The value of improved short-term wind power forecasting / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-63510
Inverter load rejection over-voltage testing : SolarCity CRADA Task 1a Final Report / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-5 D 00-63769
Improved rotating shadowband radiometer measurement performance : cooperative research and development final report / |
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