E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-34593
Lamar low-level jet project interim report |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-34648
Modeling the feasibility of using fuel cells and hydrogen internal combustion engines in remote renewable energy systems |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-34755
Modeling of the UAE wind turbine for refinement of FASTA%5FD |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-34756
Power performance test report for the Southwest Windpower AIR-X wind turbine |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-35109
Evaluation of RCAS inflow models for wind turbine analysis |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-35172
Mitigation of wind turbine/vortex interaction using disturbance accommodating control |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-36230
A primer on wind power for utility applications |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-36238
International Energy Agency wind turbine round-robin test task final report / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-37504
Analysis of the use of wind energy to supplement the power needs at McMurdo Station and Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-37505
Low wind speed technologies annual turbine technology update (ATTU) process for land-based, utility-class technologies |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-37720
Comparing statewide economic impacts of new generation from wind, coal, and natural gas in Arizona, Colorado, and Michigan |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-37851
Analyses of wind energy impact on WFEC system operations |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-38044
Necessity and requirements of a collaborative effort to develop a large wind turbine blade test facility in North America |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-38060
Definition of a 5-MW reference wind turbine for offshore system development |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-38130
Controls advanced research turbine lessons learned during advanced controls testing / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-38929
User's guide to PreComp (Pre-Processor for Computing Composite Blade Properties) |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-39154
Lidar for turbine control, March 1, 2005-November 30, 2005 |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-39253
Optical blade position tracking system test |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-39796
Overview of the TurbSim stochastic inflow turbulence simulator Version 1.10 / |
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E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-39797
TurbSim user's guide |
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