Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-60585 Haiti, feasibility of waste-to-energy options at the Trutier waste site / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-60599 Feasibility study of economics and performance of solar photovoltaics at the Techcity East Campus Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Site in Kingston, New York : a study prepared in partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency for the RE-Powering America's Land Initiative: siting renewable energy on potentially contaminated land and mine sites / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-60991 Variability of photovoltaic power in the State of Gujarat using high resolution solar data / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-61426 Wood pellet-fired biomass boiler project at the Ketchikan Federal Building / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-61448 Synchronous and cogged fan belt performance assessment / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-61925 Data center energy efficiency and renewable energy site assessment : Anderson Readiness Center, Salem. Oregon / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-62349 Implementing solar technologies at airports / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-63149 The next wave of renewable energy policy : how rapid change is breaking down conventional policy categories / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-63474 Photovoltaic-thermal new technology demonstration / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-63556 A state-level comparison of processes and timelines for distributed photovoltaic interconnection in the United States / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-64460/ Policies to spur energy access. 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-65063 Industry perspectives on advanced inverters for U.S. solar photovoltaic systems : grid benefits, deployment challenges, and emerging solutions / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-66056 Best practices for operation and maintenance of photovoltaic and energy storage systems / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-70536 Low-income community solar : utility return considerations for electric cooperatives / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-70777 Customer agreement consideration for micro-grids in Sub-Saharan Africa / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-71005 Transmission planning studies for the renewable energy zone (REZ) process : renewable energy zone (REZ) tookit. 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-71195 Installed capacity caps for distributed photovoltaics and their impacts on compensation mechanisms / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-71508 RM12-2798 high-efficiency rooftop unit replacement : Hawaii and Guam energy improvement technology demonstration project / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-71531 Infomando la politica de generación distribuida de México con análisis del modelo para asesoría de sistemas (SAM) : distributed photovoltaics toolkit. 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-71663 Productive use of energy in African micro-grids : technical and business considerations / 1