Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-66056 Best practices for operation and maintenance of photovoltaic and energy storage systems / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-70536 Low-income community solar : utility return considerations for electric cooperatives / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-70777 Customer agreement consideration for micro-grids in Sub-Saharan Africa / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-71005 Transmission planning studies for the renewable energy zone (REZ) process : renewable energy zone (REZ) tookit. 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-71195 Installed capacity caps for distributed photovoltaics and their impacts on compensation mechanisms / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-71508 RM12-2798 high-efficiency rooftop unit replacement : Hawaii and Guam energy improvement technology demonstration project / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-71531 Infomando la politica de generación distribuida de México con análisis del modelo para asesoría de sistemas (SAM) : distributed photovoltaics toolkit. 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-71663 Productive use of energy in African micro-grids : technical and business considerations / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-71765 Evaluating the role of pre-application reports in improving distributed generation interconnection processes / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-71843 Demonstration and evaluation of an advanced oxidation technology for cooling tower water treatment / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-71915 Advancing energy efficiency in developing countries : lessons learned from low-income residential experiences in industrialized countries / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-72028 Plug load management system field study / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-72088 Financial and operational bundling strategies for sustainable micro-grid business models / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-72152 Electrochemical water treatment for cooling towers / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-72339 Survey use in micro-grid load prediction, project development, and operations : review and best practices / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-72699 A report on the implementation of smart grids in Mexico / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-72748 Sector-specific methodologies for subnational energy modeling / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-73069 Lao power sector vulnerability assessment and resilience action plan / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-73618 Planning a resilient power sector : ensuring reliable, secure, safe, and affordable electricity / 1
E 9.16:NREL/TP-7 A 40-73771 Opportunities for energy, water, and waste reduction at U.S. Forest Service fire camps / 1