E 9.17:NREL/CP-5400-82018
Automated mobility platforms : a framework for versatile, energy-efficient urban transportation for the 21st century : preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-43966
Measurement of hydrogen purge rates in parabolic trough receiver tubes preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-48197
Strategies to save 50% site energy in grocery and general merchandise stores |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-49010
Prediction of air mixing from high sidewall diffusers in cooling mode preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-49019
Operating reserves and wind power integration an international comparison : preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-49067
The role of modeling when designing for absolute energy use intensity requirements in a design-build framework preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-49076
Benefit of regional energy balancing service on wind integration in the western interconnection of the United States preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-49100
Evolution of operating reserve determination in wind power integration studies |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-49113
Wind power plant short circuit current contribution for different fault and wind turbine topologies preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-49164
A new method to characterize degradation of first surface aluminum reflectors preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-49189
Standardization of solar mirror reflectance measurements--round robin test preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-49305
Video Scanning Hartmann Optical Tester (VSHOT) uncertainty analysis preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-49369
Assessing the impact of heat rejection technology on CSP plant revenue preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-49370
Methodology for constructing reduced-order power block performance models for CSP applications preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-49636
Extracting operating modes from building electrical load data preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-49781
Wind power plant enhancement with a fault-current limiter preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-50586
Gas turbine/solar parabolic trough hybrid designs preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-50614
Wind power forecasting error distributions over multiple timescales preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-50632
Short-circuit modeling of a wind power plant preprint / |
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E 9.17:NREL/CP-5500-50636
Wind data inputs for regional wind integration studies preprint / |
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