Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5600-79479 Performance considerations for ground source heat pumps in cold climates : preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5700-77426 Thermal stability of silica for application in thermal energy storage : preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5700-77955 Supercritical CO₂ heat pumps and power cycles for concentrating solar power : preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5700-77991 Wash vehicle fleet sizing for contingency planning against dust storms : preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5700-78774 Demonstrating solarPILOT's Python API through heliostat optimal aimpoint strategy use case : preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5700-78852 Performance modeling of a variable-geometry oscillating surge wave energy converter on a raised foundation : preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5700-78975 Subsurface characterization and machine learning predictions at Brady Hot Springs : preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5700-79014 Economic analysis of a novel thermal energy storage system using solid particles for grid electricity storage / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5700-79598 Hydrogen component leak rate quantification for system risk and reliability assessment through QRA and PHM frameworks: preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5700-79696 The marine and hydrokinetic toolkit for data quality control and analysis: preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5700-80455 Developing technology performance level assessments for early-stage wave energy converter technologies: preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5700-80484 Distributed embedded energy converters for ocean wave energy harvesting : enabling a domain of transformative technologies : preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP 5700-81883 Influence on structural loading of a wave energy converter by controlling variable-geometry components and the power take-off : preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5700-81943 Nonlinear model predictive control using real-time iteration scheme for wave energy converters using WEC-Sim platform : preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5900-50683 Carrier density and compensation in semiconductors with multi dopants and multi transition energy levels the case of Cu impurity in CdTe : preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP 5900-73161 Scanning Kelvin probe microscopy : a tool to investigate nano-scale doping non-uniformities in poly-si/siox contacts : preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP 5900-74072 Self-aligned, selective area poly-si/sio2 passivated contacts for enhanced photocurrent in front/back solar cells : preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP 5900-76122 Dynamic hydride vapor phase epitaxy of iii-v materials for photovoltaics applications : preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5900-80198 32.9% efficient tandem solar cell with strain-balanced GaInAs/GaAsP quantum wells : preprint / 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5900-80242 Improvement of front-junction GaInP by point-defect injection and annealing : preprint / 1