Call Number (LC) Title Results
E111 .R69 Colón en España : estudio histórico-crítico sobre la vida y hechos del descubridor del Nuevo mundo, personas, doctrinas y sucesos que contribuyeron al descubrimiento / 1
E111 .R81218 1884 Vida de Cristóbal Colón / 1
E111 .S26 1964 Cristobal Colón : su vida, sus viajes y sus descubrimientos / 1
E111 .S3 The legacy of Christopher Columbus : the historic litigations involving his discoveries, his will, his family, and his descendants ... resulting from the discovery of America / 1
E111 .S3 1949i The legacy of Christopher Columbus the historic litigations involving his discoveries, his will, his family, and his descendants : three centuries of disputes, lawsuits, struggles for rewards and inheritances, frauds by the Admiral of Aragon and others, spoliations by Sir Francis Drake and others, claims of illegitimates and black sheep, resulting from the discovery of America / 1
E111 .S56 1991 Follow the dream / 1
E111 .T23 1991 Columbus, the great adventure : his life, his times, and his voyages / 2
E111.T3 R6 Pedro de Terreros : el primer español que pisó el continente americano. 1
E111 .T35 Christopher Columbus: his life, his works, his remains : as revealed by original printed and manuscript records, together with an essay on Peter Martyr of Anghera and Bartolomé de las Casas, the first historians of America / 1
E111 .T68 2016eb Christopher Columbus / 1
E111 .U5 1992 Columbus in the Capitol / 1
E111 .V2 1988 Colón y los florentinos / 1
E111 .V25 1992 Cristobal Colon : retrato de un hombre / 1
E111 .V49 1989 Cristóbal Colón era noble y de sangre real : una realidad, nació en Mallorca / 1
E111 .V69718 1947 Cristóbal Colón y la leyenda : la fecha exacta del nacimiento del gran genovés, su familia, las indicaciones que poseía ; Toscanelli, supuesto iniciador del descubrimiento de América ; el verdadero objeto de la empresa de 1492 / 1
E111 .W32 Christoph Columbus, der Don Quichote des Ozeans : ein Porträt / 1
E111 .W3218 Cristóbal Colón : el Quijote del océano. 1
E111 .W33 Columbus, Don Quixote of the seas / 1
E111 .W65 1991 The mysterious history of Columbus : an exploration of the man, the myth, the legacy / 1
E111 .W78 Christopher Columbus and how he received and imparted the spirit of discovery. 1