Call Number (LC) Title Results
E127 .P752 Hakluyt's voyages / 1
E127 .Q49 England and the discovery of America, 1481-1620, from the Bristol voyages of the fifteenth century to the Pilgrim settlement at Plymouth: the exploration, exploitation, and trial-and-error colonization of North America by the English.
England and the discovery of America, 1481-1620 : from the Bristol voyages of the fifteenth century to the Pilgrim settlement at Plymouth: the exploration, exploitation, and trial-and-error colonization of North America by the English.
E127 .Q49 2023 England and the discovery of America, 1481-1620 : from the Bristol voyages of the fifteenth century to the pilgrim settlement at Plymouth: the exploration, exploitation, and trial-and-error colonization of North America by the English / 1
E127 .S17 1994 Esas Yndias equivocadas y malditas : comentarios a la historia / 1
E127 .S57 1873i Sir William Alexander and American colonization including three royal charters ; a tract on colonization ; a patent of the county of Canada and of Long Island ; and the roll of the knights baronets of New Scotland / 1
E127 .W47 1979 The Westward enterprise : English activities in Ireland, the Atlantic, and America, 1480-1650 / 1
E127 .W56 2021 Encountering early America / 1
E127 .W7 2010eb The Cabot voyages and Bristol discovery under Henry VII / 1
E127 .W72 The voyages of the Cabots and the English discovery of North America under Henry VII and Henry VIII / 1
E 128:RHO-BWI-ST-10 Estimation of waste package performance requirements for a nuclear waste repository in basalt / 1
E129 The Voyages of Sir James Lancaster to Brazil and the East Indies, 1591-1603. 1
E129.C1 A2 2016 The Cabot voyages and Bristol discovery under Henry VII / 1
E129.C1 B4 John and Sebastian Cabot : the discovery of North America / 1
E129.C1 C45 2012 Invading America : the English assault on the new world, 1497-1630 / 1
E129.C1 F57 1997 The voyage of the Matthew : John Cabot and the discovery of North America / 4
E129.C1 P67 1997 The many landfalls of John Cabot /
The Many Landfalls of John Cabot.
E129 .D7 1698 The English hero: or, Sir Fran. Drake reviv'd. Being a full account of the dangerous voyages, admirable adventures, notable discoveries, and magnanimous atchievements of that valiant and renowned commander. I. His voyage in 1572 to Nombre de Dios in the West Indies, where they saw a pile of bars of silver near seventy foot long, ten foot broad, and twelve foot high. II. His incompassing the whole world in 1577. which he perform'd in two years and ten months, gaining a vast quantity of gold and silver. III. His voyage into America in 1585 and taking the towns of St. Jago, St. Domingo, Carthagena and St. Augustine. Also his worthy actions, when Vice Admiral of England in the Spanish invasion, 1588. IV. His last voyage into those countries in 1595 with the manner of his death and burial. Recommended to the imitation of all heroick spirits. Inlarged, reduced into chapters with contents, and beautified with pictures / 1
E129.D7 A25 2010eb Sir Francis Drake's West Indian voyage, 1585-86 / 1
E129.D7 A52 The last voyage of Drake & Hawkins / 1
E129.D7 B46 1695 The English hero, or, Sir Francis Drake reviv'd being a full account of the dangerous voyages, admirable adventures, notable discoveries, and magnanimous atchievement of that valiant and renowned commander : as, I. His voyage in 1572 to Nombre de Dios in the West Indies, where they saw a pile of bars of silver near seventy foot long, ten foot broad, and twelve foot high, II. His incompassing the whole world in 1577, which he perform'd in two years and ten months, gaining a vast quantity of gold and silver, III. His voyage into America in 1585, and taking the towns of St. Jago, St. Domingo, Carthagena and St. Augustine, IV. His last voyage into those countries in 1595, with the manner of his death and burial : recommended to the imitation of all heroick spirits : revised, corrected, inlarged, reduced into chapters with contents, and beautified with pictures /
The English hero, or, Sir Francis Drake reviv'd being a full account of the dangerous voyages, admirable adventures, notable discoveries, and magnanimous atchievement of that valiant and renowned commander : as, I. His voyage in 1572 to Nombre de Dios in the West Indies, where they saw a pile of bars of silver near seventy foot long, ten foot broad, and twelve foot high, II. His incompassing the whole world in 1577, which he perform'd in two years and ten months, gaining a vast quantity of gold and silver, III. His voyage into America in 1585, and taking the towns of St. Jago, St. Domingo, Carthagena and St. Augustine, IV. His last voyage into those countries in 1595, with the manner of his death and burial : recommended to the imitation of all heroick spirits : revised, corrected, inlarged, reduced into chapters with contents, and beautified with pictures /