Call Number (LC) Title Results
E166 .B56 The Wabash; or, Adventures of an English gentleman's family in the interior of America 1
E166. B6 Beskrifning öfwer Nord-Amerikas Förenta Stater i anseende till naturbeskaffenhet, djur, wexter, mineralier, produkter, näringsutwägar, styrelse lagskipning, religionswäsende, underwisningsanstalter, krigsmakt, handel, kommunikationsmedel, fattigförsörjning, skatter, onera, tc Med naturhistoriska och andra underrättelser; jemte särskilda upplysningar och rad för dem, som wilja dit inflytta / 1
E166 .B62 The Englishwoman in America 1
E166 .B62 1966 The Englishwoman in America / 1
E166 .B62 2009 The Englishwoman in America / 1
E166 .B64 Midcentury America; life in the 1850's.
Midcentury America : life in the 1850's.
E166 .B65 1972 An American diary, 1857-8 / 1
E166 .B7413 1924i America of the fifties letters of Fredrika Bremer / 1
E166 .B78 Rambles in the path of the steam-horse An off-hand oila podrida, embracing a general historical and descriptive view of the scenery, agricultural and mineral resources, and prominent features of the travelled route from Baltimore to Harper's Ferry, Cumberland, Wheeling, Cincinnati, and Louisville /
Rambles in the path of the steam-horse. An off-hand olla podrida, embracing a general historical and descriptive view of the scenery, agricultural and mineral resources, and prominent features of the travelled route from Baltimore to Harper's Ferry, Cumberland, Wheeling, Cincinnati, and Louisville./
E166 .B8 Notes of a tour in the United States and Canada in the summer and autumn of 1847. 1
E166 .B82 The sentimental years : 1836-1860 / 1
E166 .B82 1965 The sentimental years, 1836-1860. 1
E166 .B84 The homes of the New world impressions of America./
The homes of the New world : impressions of America /
E166 .B84 1853 The homes of the New world : impressions of America / 1
E166 .B85 The homes of the New world impressions of America / 1
E166 .B95 Old England and New England in a series of views taken on the spot / 1
E166 .B9713 1971 Travels between the Hudson & the Mississippi, 1851-1852 / 1
E166 .B9713 1971eb Travels Between the Hudson and the Mississippi : 1851--1852 / 1
E166 .C17 Cosas de los Estados Unidos / 1
E166 .C43 2002 Drinking the waters : creating an American leisure class at nineteenth-century mineral springs / 2