Call Number (LC) Title Results
E183.8.A3 A3 1990 Afghanistan the making of U.S. policy, 1973-1990. 1
E183.8.A3 C75 2019 The United States and the Taliban before and after 9/11 / 1
E183.8.A3 D67 2019 America in Afghanistan : foreign policy and decision making from Bush to Obama to Trump / 1
E183.8.A3 G73 1996 British and American responses to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan / 1
E183.8.A3 G88 2008 How we missed the story : Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, and the hijacking of Afghanistan / 2
E183.8.A3 L36 2003 A bitter harvest : US foreign policy and Afghanistan / 1
E183.8.A3 .R356 2023eb Days of opportunity the United States and Afghanistan before the Soviet invasion 1
E183.8.A3 R54 2014 What We Won : America's Secret War in Afghanistan, 1979-89 /
What we won : America's secret war in Afghanistan, 1979-89 /
E183.8.A3 T45 2020eb US policy towards Afghanistan, 1979-2014 : 'a force for good' / 1
E183.8.A3 T458 2020 US Policy Towards Afghanistan, 1979-2014 : 'a Force for Good' 1
E183.8.A35 Assessing Barack Obama's Africa Policy : Suggestions for Him and African Leaders. 1
E183.8.A38 The United States and the Horn of Africa : an analytical study of pattern and process / 1
E183.8.A38 O39 1997 The United States and the Horn of Africa : an analytical study of pattern and process / 1
E183.8.A4 S6 Southern Africa and the United States / 1
E183.8.A45 H86 2006 Mission to Algiers : diplomacy by engagement / 1
E183.8.A5 A54 1987 Angola, Mozambique, and the West / 1
E183.8.A5 O88 2020 Kissinger, Angola and US-African foreign policy : the unintentional realist / 1
E183.8.A5 W74 1997 The destruction of a nation : United States' policy towards Angola since 1945 / 2
E183.8.A6 B3 1966 The prisoners of Algiers : an account of the forgotten American-Algerian war 1785-1797 / 1
E183.8.A68 A28 American-Arab relations from Wilson to Nixon / 1